Thursday, October 16, 2008

Campaigning in Nevada

Three of us from Humboldt, Barb Carolyn, Cheryl Esparsa and myself, traveled down to Napa on 10/10 for an Obama campaign weekend.
Saturday morning, we joined some enthusiastic young people from Mike Thompson's office for a early morning ride to Fernley, Nevada where the Obama/Biden campaign has a headquarters. They gave us instructions and sent us off to walk the neighborhoods in pairs and convince the undecided to vote for Obama and the decided to vote early starting October 18th. As you can tell it was cold after the first snow in the Sierras and windy, but we walked a lot and that warmed us a little.  Sunday was warmer, but the "blocks" seemed longer.  After walking for 4 hours we began our journey back to Napa and then home to Humboldt the next day.
Thank you Mike Thompson's office for all your generosity to your Humboldt country cousins.  It was so much fun especially the great political discussions at dinner and the ride home.

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