Sunday, October 26, 2008 in Bayside, CA

This afternoon I attended a Party for Obama.  I was amazed to find 15 people as I entered the room all of whom were there to call and encourage people to help personally in many of the swing states.  We watched a video about how to call, did some practice work with a partner and then were off on our own with three pages of numbers and our cell phones.  We asked those that we called if they could help in their local Obama office going door-to-door or phoning next Saturday or Sunday.  We did find many who would help and directed them to the Obama office in their town.  Many were not home or their phones were answered with  a machine, but all in all it was a great experience to feel that you were a grass roots effort of many different kinds of Humboldt people all trying to make a difference in this election that is a turning point in our country's history. 
I will be phoning again the day before the election.  You too can help.  Come down to the Democratic office (5th Street between B & C in Eureka) starting at noon Saturday, Sunday or Monday of this next weekend and help us get out the vote. Call first 445-3366

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Campaigning in Nevada

Three of us from Humboldt, Barb Carolyn, Cheryl Esparsa and myself, traveled down to Napa on 10/10 for an Obama campaign weekend.
Saturday morning, we joined some enthusiastic young people from Mike Thompson's office for a early morning ride to Fernley, Nevada where the Obama/Biden campaign has a headquarters. They gave us instructions and sent us off to walk the neighborhoods in pairs and convince the undecided to vote for Obama and the decided to vote early starting October 18th. As you can tell it was cold after the first snow in the Sierras and windy, but we walked a lot and that warmed us a little.  Sunday was warmer, but the "blocks" seemed longer.  After walking for 4 hours we began our journey back to Napa and then home to Humboldt the next day.
Thank you Mike Thompson's office for all your generosity to your Humboldt country cousins.  It was so much fun especially the great political discussions at dinner and the ride home.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Grandma went to Denver and we got these awesome t-shirts

My new grandbabies, Cecilia (left) and Lincoln (right) get ready for their first election!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Now the work begins

Thursday I planted a table at our local junior college - College of the Redwoods - and registered new and returning voters. Many young people wanted to know how to help. Some were interested in really finding out why they should vote for Obama/Biden. I had some good discussions and interesting inquiries. It was especially gratifying to register a first time voter who was a 21 year old. Three students had just turned 18 and were so happy I was there because they didn't really know how to get to the registrars in Eureka. I gave them a free bumper sticker for doing the right thing for their country. Milt - don't worry, I donated to the sticker fund for them.
Nevada is a state that could go either way. I think I'll travel there on the weekend of Oct. 17th and help the Obama campaign in Reno. Would anyone like to join me?
It is definitely time for a change!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Pictures From Around the Convention

Pink protesters for peace.
An interesting hat.
Stevie Wonder's hands on the key board as he entertained us.
The thousands (90,000) who enjoyed the positive vibes at Invesco Field
The last night at the Obama acceptance speech.
George Dukakis traveling through the crowd.
I meet Gavin Newsome.

Barack Obama - The next President of the U.S.A.

What a thrilling and hopeful night. Sitting with 3 Hillary delegates and a young first voter, each representing a different culture and different race, we held hands and marveled at how far we've come. Barach Obama represents that journey and speaks to all of us about how we must, together not divided, move toward the future, not the past, towards change, hope and policies that lift all of us, women,men, children, poor, middle class, rich, gay, lesbian, heterosexual, to a better life.
It was an inspiring speech an inspiring program and a wonderful night. I am coming home ready to work for his campaign and am asking all those who helped me with Hillary to help me work for an Obama/Biden ticket. You also need to know that she truly wants him elected and without him policies that she has worked so hard for concerning women and children's rights, education and universal health care will not come about. She spoke to her delegates in a special meeting and I came away truly convinced of her desire for us to follow her lead and support Barack Obama.
For those of you, like Den and I, who will be using Medicare or Social Security, you need to help me to. Obama and Biden will strengthen and repair (eliminate the donut hole) these helpful and even life saving programs. John McCain will privatize them which is a way of making us pay for all of those services and lead to large profits for drug companies and Wall Street investment firms.
You will be hearing from me soon. Go Obama/Biden!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

California's Vote

A couple people have been wondering about last night's vote and why California passed.

California has 441 votes and with that many cast at the beginning of the vote, many of the small states would not matter. We usually pass and let each state have a say and then come in at the end and put it over the top. This night, the point was to let Illinois (his home) put it over the top, but in a beautiful move to show unity, Illinois passed to New York to allow Hillary Clinton (one of their two Senators), to call for a unanimous vote for Barack Obama. The reason this was so important;
1) her supporters thought the roll call was being taken from her and a voice vote would be rammed through
2) her supporters petitioned to have a roll call vote as an honor to her and won one
3) knowing this, Hillary in an effort to show her support for Obama, moved for a voice vote
It was all brilliant.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 3/Hillary Stresses Unity

California's breakfast featured John Kerry. It was good to see him again.
Hillary set up a meeting with her delegates for 1:15. I headed to the Convention Center. I thought I would try to listen in on the Senior caucus for a bit and get a free lunch in the process. As I was walking down the hall I saw the sign for Nancy Pelosi's book signing. I stopped, got in line and was able to get her to sign her book "Know Your Strength" for my daughters. Wow. As I boarded the escalator for the Sr. Caucus downstairs I noticed the long line to get into the Hillary event still one hour away. Of course I got in line. That ended my lunch plans and introduced me to the nicest couple from Hawaii who had been for Hillary, but were now leaning toward Barack. We good discussions while we waited. We decided the V.P. would have been a waste of her talent and strength. Remaining in the Senate and perhaps becoming the leader in Harry Reed's position would give her the place to do her best work. When we finally got to see and listen to her, she was stunning. She encouraged us to come together and support Obama and Biden. How could any of the important issues she has worked for be accomplished with a McCain win? This is not about any one person but about the best for our Country and our people. We must vote for the people of America so that they can have jobs again - green jobs, health care for all, and education that is affordable to all children. That means vote for Obama/Biden who stand for what Hillary has always stood for. What a gracious, mature and fabulous women. I bought a pin "Hillary supporters for Obama".
The evening was exhilarating!! We nominated Barack Obama for our Presidential candidate. Voting commenced and as the votes added up and were about to go over the needed amount, New Mexico passed to Illinois who passed to New York and Hillary made a motion to nominate Obama by voice vote, which we did. What a great move by the Democratic Party!!
Military generals and enlisted kids as well as wounded vets, including Cathy Duckworth spoke of how effective Barack Obama would be as Commander & Chief.
Bill Clinton threw his support to Obama with a rousing speech, and Joe Biden accepted our nomination for V.P. with his family. A great speech, a great man, a great family. He is the best choice I am convinced.
You would love the people here. There are so many around who believe in the same thing as we do. Good night from Denver.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

This Day Devoted to Women in Politics

Today after breakfast, my husband was able to talk his way into two free tickets for the Emily's List party even though it was sold out. We had standing room only and after standing for an hour, I only had time to hear Hillary Clinton. Den stayed to hear Nancy Pelosi and Michelle Obama while I took off for the Pepsi Center.
I thought tonight I would look at some of the people I'm a delegate with or have talked to here.
I met John Garamendi in the Lobby and thought of you, Milt. We talked about Eureka. He was looking forward to his speech at the Democrat of the Year Dinner on October 3.
Sitting next to me in the Pepsi Center was a friendly young woman named Erin from L.A. (Many of the 441 California Delegates are from L.A.) She attended Cornell for an undergraduate degree and is now working on a Masters in Art @ Cal Arts College. She has her own business as a freelance set and costume designer. Using the mail and internet, she can send her scale models and sketches from anywhere and so may move to a more beautiful area. I suggested Humboldt.
The guy on my right was interesting. A Political Science professor at Stanford, Jim Steyer taught Chelsea for 3 classes ("she was a great student"). He is also the CEO and founder of Common Sense Media. A "consumer reports" of media, his business evaluates and grades children's media for parents, grandparents and teachers so that they can make educated choices for their children. His web site is
Hillary was awesome, the best speech she has ever given according to the Obama finance committee member I sat next to on the bus. She was so strong, confident and definitely for all of us to support Obama/Biden so that the 37 years that she has put into helping people will not go for naught. Her goals and dreams of the betterment of the people of the U.S. will not be fulfilled by electing John McCain. I hope you all saw her speech and am anxious to discuss the issues with you when I get home. OBAMA & BIDEN in '09 ! Until tomorrow, good night.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The First Real Day of the Convention

Our day started out with a breakfast provided by the California Democratic Party. Thanks everyone. Nancy Pelosi was our speaker. She was great and encouraged unity to get a President who will not veto every bill that the Congress tries to pass.
In the afternoon I attended the Senior Caucus. One of the speakers was FDR's grandson, James Roosevelt. I learned that even more urgent is the need to elect Barack Obama and not McCain. McCain is for privatizing Social Security and getting rid of Medicare a terrible thing for families who rely on it to help with their elders. His health care plan is also a plan to make families buy their own with his $5,000 tax credit, but tax all health benefits given families by their jobs. All very bad ideas for seniors and families. Obama wants to strengthen Social Security, improve Medicare and provide people with the same Health Insurance that Congress receives unless they choose to keep what they have.
The evening convention was inspiring, especially the speeches of Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama. Tears for Ted who has gotten so many liberal policies through while working in many conservative congresses and is fighting the hardest fight in his life. Tears of excitement and joy for the Obama family who is so optimistic and hopeful for change and improvement in the path our country will take in the near future. I loved the fact that Barack came on live from Kansas City to say thank you to Michelle and hi to his girls.

Delegate Swag Bag

I was caught and interviewed by CBS about the delegate swag bags. Click on the title above to see me discuss my loot.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Day at the Convention

Wow! It was a long day. Thank goodness for Delta. We were able to sail up out of the fog and on to Salt Lake without a problem. After a 3 hour layover, I was off to Denver. On the ride to the hotel I met an actress from L.A. who was a front runner for Hillary during the campaign and a Hillary Delegate from Los Vegas. They were both sad and wanting the caucus system changed, but will still vote Democrat because of all we will lose if McCain wins.
The Sheraton is a nice place and only a few blocks from the Convention Center. I walked through their pedestrian friendly plaza street to the Center and enjoyed a great welcome party. It was put on by the Convention Host Committee/ "Friends of New Orleans". We ate gumbo, shrimp, craw fish bread, red beans and rice. The open bar produced a lot of good political discussions and dancing. The music from New Orleans was great.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

List of Convention Speakers

To see a list of convention speakers click on the title of this post.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Phone Conference with Hillary

This afternoon all Clinton Delegates took part in a phone conference with the Senator. She began by emphasizing that we must all unite our party so that we can win in November. She is 100% committed to electing Senator Barack Obama as President. She emphasized that everything she has worked so hard for needs to have a Democrat in the White House to have it come to fruition. Senator Obama cannot win without us and Senator McCain in the White House would be a disaster for her goals and objectives that we all fought for so hard and passionately. She pointed out that Senator Obama has a lot more in common with those who voted for her than Senator McCain does and it is critical that we all work together to get him elected.
On the question of the Democratic Party Platform, she felt that she and her supporters were able to get a lot of what we wanted in the Platform. Some examples of her issues that are in the platform include:
-guaranteed affordable health care for every man, woman & child;
-women's issues such as freedom of choice and equal pay and opportunity;
-support and gratitude for our veterans with a new G.I. Bill to help them as it did in the '50's;
-strong enforcement for our trade deals;
-value of and support for scientists;
-value and support of families;
-voting rights "counting every vote act" support;
-support for public education - no vouchers.
She thanked us for our commitment, compassion and hard work and hopes we leave the convention energized with our main goal to defeat Senator McCain and the Republican Party.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Message from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama

Statement from the Obama and Clinton Press Offices 8/14/08

Since June, Senators Obama and Clinton have been working together to ensure a Democratic victory this November. They are both committed to winning back the White House and to to ensuring that the voices of all 35 million people who participated in this historic primary election are respected and heard in Denver. To honor and celebrate these voices and votes, both Senator Obama's and Senator Clinton's names will be placed in nomination.

"I am convinced that honoring Senator Clinton's historic campaign in this way will help us celebrate this defining moment in our history and bring the party together in a strong united fashion," said Senator Barack Obama.

Senator Obama's campaign encouraged Senator Clinton's name to be placed in nomination as a show of unity and in recognition of the historic race she ran and the fact that she was the first woman to compete in all of our nation's primary contests.

"With every voice heard and the Party strongly united, we will elect Senator Obama President of the United States and put our nation on the path to peace and prosperity once again," said Senator Hillary Clinton.

Senator Obama and Senator Clinton are looking forward to a convention unified behind Barack Obama as the Party's nominee and to victory this fall for America.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Welcome to my Blog

Hi Humboldt County. I'm your elected delegate to the Democratic National Convention . I will keep you up to date on the happenings and speeches at the Convention starting Sunday Aug. 24. If you are from Humboldt County, thank you for sending me and I hope that this will give you a little taste of what happens at one of these National Conventions. This blog is for you and all those back home who make up the regular people in our beautiful county in Northern California.

What's to come at the Democratic Convention

Here is the current schedule of events for the Convention:
Check out the web site of Rocky Mt. News for a complete list of speakers
Sunday, Aug. 24
2:15 pm I arrive in Denver and will go to our hotel to register. All Calif. Delegates are staying at the Sheraton Denver Downtown.
12-6 pm Neighborhood festival celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Fair Housing Act
6-8 pm Host committee Delegation Party

Monday, Aug 25 "One Nation"
8-10 am Calif. Delegation Breakfast Honoring Speaker Nancy Pelosi & Dem. Congress
12-2 pm Americans for Democratic Action Victory Party
4 - 9 pm Official Convention Proceedings - Pepsi Center
Speaker: Michelle Obama
9-11 pm Senator Diane Feinstein Dessert Reception
10-1 am Planned Parenthood "Sex, Politics & Cocktail Party"
Tuesday, Aug 26 "Renewing America's Promise"
8-10 am Calif. Delegation Breakfast Honoring Democratic Governors
1-4 pm Take Back America - Speakers and discussion-building a progressive movement
2-4 pm Emily's List "Celebrate the Power of Demo. Women" (I'm on the waiting list)
3-5 pm National Women's Political Caucus "Women in Politics & Media" panel discussion
4-9 pm Official Convention Proceedings
Speaker: Senator Hillary Clinton (88th anniversary of passage of Women's Right to Vote bill).
10-12 am Together, We Can! Hosted by Labor & Vets United for America
10-close DFA Democracy for America "celebration of progressive change"
Wednesday, Aug. 27 "Securing Americas Future"
8-10 am Calif. Delegation Breakfast Honoring U.S. Senate w/Sen.Feinstein & Sen. Boxer
9:30 am Health Care reform Forum
1:30 pm Hillary Clinton Delegate meeting
2-4pm Calif. Tea Hosted by Barbara Boxer's PAC
4-9 pm Official Convention Proceedings
Nomination of candidates and voting
Speaker:V.P. nominee ??? and
Bill Clinton
9-1 am Calif. Delegation Gala Celebration Hosted by the Cal. Demo. Party
Thursday, Aug. 28 "Change You Can Believe In"
8-10 am Calif. Delegation Breakfast Honoring Democratic Mayors
4-9 pm Official Convention Proceedings(Invesco Feild @ Mile High)
Speaker: Senator Barack Obama (55th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings "I have a dream" speach)