Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Phone Conference with Hillary

This afternoon all Clinton Delegates took part in a phone conference with the Senator. She began by emphasizing that we must all unite our party so that we can win in November. She is 100% committed to electing Senator Barack Obama as President. She emphasized that everything she has worked so hard for needs to have a Democrat in the White House to have it come to fruition. Senator Obama cannot win without us and Senator McCain in the White House would be a disaster for her goals and objectives that we all fought for so hard and passionately. She pointed out that Senator Obama has a lot more in common with those who voted for her than Senator McCain does and it is critical that we all work together to get him elected.
On the question of the Democratic Party Platform, she felt that she and her supporters were able to get a lot of what we wanted in the Platform. Some examples of her issues that are in the platform include:
-guaranteed affordable health care for every man, woman & child;
-women's issues such as freedom of choice and equal pay and opportunity;
-support and gratitude for our veterans with a new G.I. Bill to help them as it did in the '50's;
-strong enforcement for our trade deals;
-value of and support for scientists;
-value and support of families;
-voting rights "counting every vote act" support;
-support for public education - no vouchers.
She thanked us for our commitment, compassion and hard work and hopes we leave the convention energized with our main goal to defeat Senator McCain and the Republican Party.

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